What to do and how to react if a child is disobedient and does not listen?

First, we must ask ourselves the reason for this behavior, which can occur in different situations that we had not considered before, such as:

  • You have your own opinion, your interests, your own views, and your preferences .
  • You may be angry or showing any other negative emotion .

In these situations we can act in 3 different styles:

  • Authoritarian: We totally suppress the will of the child. We do not instill the need to speak and listen to your needs and we only communicate in the form of orders.
  • Democratic: The child is part of the situation, being able to give their opinion and improving communication with parents.
  • Mixed: Mix between the two previous systems.


Rules and norms of early childhood education

We must mark certain rules, prohibitions or restrictions, in such a way that the child is able to incorporate them into his behavior easily.

  • Flexible and well defined rules . The most basic ones can be “do not hit”, “do not break”, “do not get on the table”, and so on. If the child asks us why we should not do that, we must bear in mind that the answer “because I said so” is not the most appropriate, it is best to give a coherent reason such as “it is dangerous” or “you can hurt yourself ”, Always being the most successful.
  • Over time, some limitations may be relaxed , so in certain situations or circumstances we may be able to change certain rules.
  • The needs of the child and the parents must follow the same rhythm : If a child wants to jump in puddles, let him do it, but as long as he wears rubber boots or whatever you consider necessary as a parent.
  • The rules must be spoken by the parents : If the mother says one thing and the father says another, the child will not understand what their rules are exactly.


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How should we act if he is disobedient?

We have 3 ways to solve it:

  • Talk to him calmly and reconsider his needs if really necessary.
  • Ignore their behavior and not pay attention.
  • Distract their attention by showing or talking about something different and interesting. This is the most recommended for young children since, if we punish them, they would not understand the reasons.


The problem of punishments

We often educate our children in the way we were raised as children, but we have to take into account the experiences we had in our childhood, the fears, the resentments or the frustrations that we suffer because of it.


  • Physical punishment : An angry child may commit any inappropriate action without meaning to or without really thinking about it. If the child, for example, breaks any object and starts to cry, we should reassure him and then discuss what happened. The only thing that physical punishment brings to a child is intimidation, humiliation, and having their feelings insulted. First we must calm down and reassure ourselves, selecting a punishment appropriate to the problem.
  • Isolation : Locking him in a room or against a wall is not the best solution. An alternative would be to exclude him or not pay attention to him from cooperative activities or games that they were doing for a short period of time.
  • Threats: They are not useful at all and can reduce the child’s self-esteem. The best thing would be to tell the child stories from his childhood, but without lying or embellishing. That way you understand that everyone makes mistakes, and you can feel their support and understanding.
  • Punish him by doing house chores or another activity that he does not like : We should never do it that way, never, since he can acquire a negative attitude towards that activity. For example, punishing him with washing dishes, studying, etc. It is best to deprive him of doing interesting things rather than not. For example, tickets to go to the Zoo to a Museum, go to see a movie at the cinema or read one of your favorite books.


Remember to always explain to the child how he will be punished and why. Not explaining yourself well in these types of situations can only lead to confusion and an attitude even more negative than the one that gave rise to the punishment.

The girl is disobedient and if any of these punishments is done she screams very hard and not only does she have a terrible tantrum, she is very yelling sometimes I think she has a psychiatric problem and I am afraid to think about it but there are situations that I see very serious, she is punished harshly in a while but it doesn’t work then we don’t know what to do

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If, as parents, you think that she may have psychological problems, it is best to take her to a specialist to determine if she actually has a problem.

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If you allow me, I will give you some advice…. When a child screams as if he were “crazy” (without misunderstanding me), you should reassure him and not punish him by taking him away from everything…. You must explain why what she has done is wrong and explain not only what she has done wrong, but also the solution to that “problem”, what she should do in that situation … that will improve her behavior. But you must remain calm and explain yourself well 🙂

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What do you think about arranging cash payments with the child if he does or fulfills his duties?

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I think the best thing is to reward him with activities that he likes to do, for example going to the park, riding a bike, etc.

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He is nine years old, if you give him an order, however simple it may be, like: leave that object, ignore it and continue, it is spoken to. In a stronger or authoritative tone, he does not leave it until she wants

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Aracelis my child is three years old and he is very disobedient, I talk to him and he ignores

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My son is 7 years old and he is a very intelligent child, he complies with things quickly, but his greatest difficulty is concentrating on the moment of performing any activity and he is very disobedient and when he makes a mistake and talks about it, he avoids conversation with nonsense things and nothing related to the subject to be discussed I appreciate any positive opinion. Thank you

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From my point of view, if your son is intelligent, what happens when you tell him that he has done something wrong is that he feels bad about himself, he does not want to acknowledge his failure nor does he want to listen to others because he feels bad … understand where his mistake is and why you tell him … and that he could do better … encourage him, do not despise him and congratulate him when he does something right 🙂

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We must also avoid the chant and punish them for everything, when something is very repetitive they usually do not give it importance

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The information seems very important to me since sometimes many mistakes are made when it comes to disciplinary matters. Thank you

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My daughter had tantrums and did not sleep She screamed all night and bit herself She started to hurt herself I took her to different neurological centers and they never knew what she had 2 years ago she started treatment She has a behavior disorder ADHD and ASD RSPECTRIC DISORDER AUTISTA There are times they need medication IT IS TREATED WITH 2: SQUIATRA AND SCOLOGICAL AND NEUROLOGICAL THERAPY She goes to normal schoolx that they can learn with help But in ARGENTINA LITTLE IS KNOWN ABOUT THIS DISORDER THE MEDICATION IS CHANGED TO HER IT IS NOT EASY AND IF YOU PUNCH HIM THE WORSE he gets more violent and can convulse The best thing is go to the specialist They know Each case is different and according to age Hopefully it will help them

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I have an eight-year-old girl since she is one year old, she lives with me, I married and separated a year ago, we live alone, and now I am dating someone but the girl cannot stand her, she makes scandals and breaks things and tries to attack the person who I go out with. What I do

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I have a student who is very disobedient that I do .. In that case he throws the thing and hits his head on the floor he throws the chair and breaks them and screams and cries for everything

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My girl is 5 years old and does the exact opposite of what they say she loves to attract attention

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You said it, you love to attract attention. Ignore her, but this is very important, always, and only listen to her when she has proper behavior. Regards.

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My son is intelligent, his problem is that he is very imperactive, he cannot sit and plays very rough, he runs a lot and has caused him problems at school for that reason

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I advise him to play games and act out what is happening with dolls and make him see consequences and alternatives. Regards

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I take care of a 3 year old girl for a while. She is affectionate but she has days when she gets angry with my other children she pushes or hits them. She likes to impose (how she says, when she says, what she wants them to play, etc.), is bossy and likes to attract attention. When I talk to her about something that has happened, she lies to me, blames others, changes the subject or says that she will not do it again. Now what she does is she tells the others to hit her so she can come to me so that I can scold them. She is clever and manipulative. Her parents and I have already talked to her but it goes in through one little ear and out through the other. What can you advise me to improve the situation?

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I have a student who is very disobedient, he does not concentrate when doing the round, he begins to circle around the round that I do .. In that case he bites parts of his body and hits his head and screams and everything cries

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Have you verified if you have ASD? Regards

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Good. I am in addition to teaching and educating both parties. The others should be taught to be empowered. Manipulators continue because the other person obeys. When the girl sees that others ignore her, something will change, since there would be a change around her. And since she likes to draw attention to ignore her until she meets the established rules. Although you also have to work with the behavior of the parents. Regards

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