Some of these life skills can be taught very early , as soon as they learn to walk. We put you a list of some of the most important:


Healthy sleep

Babies set their own sleep schedules individually, and at this stage it is not advisable to change their own natural rhythm . When the baby is going to be a year old, it is the ideal time to enter a cycle in which he has to sleep at least 10 or 11 hours a day. To achieve this you will need a lot of patience and persistence, do not be discouraged if everything does not work out perfectly at first. Just keep the baby in bed, stroking his back or head until he calms down and begins to fall asleep.

Being consistent is usually of great importance to acquire this habit and any other.

Swimming classes

It is undoubtedly great and highly recommended to teach children to swim: it is a survival skill that must be learned and that will be useful even in cases of emergency . They can start at a young age, familiarizing themselves with the water so that they lose their fear and feel comfortable in the water.

When the child turns one and a half or two years old, he can start the first swimming lessons in which he will learn to float and slide on the surface. It may be a bit scary at first, but don’t worry as there will be qualified professionals who are with the children and know how far you can work.

Cooking at home

The child can do simple tasks, such as making cookie dough in a container and then cutting it out using plastic molds (of course, under parental supervision). Finally, they can decorate them with strawberry or chocolate syrup, for example.

At the age of two, children can start helping out in the kitchen a little more. You can ask them for help to make sandwiches, sandwiches, or give them the ingredients to make any simple recipe always under supervision.

Learn to ride a bicycle

When learning to ride a bicycle , it is always advisable to use safety side wheels, although today it is possible to start more easily using special bicycles without pedals with which children always have their feet in contact with the ground to avoid falls.

Learning to ride a bicycle can be started at any age, although the ideal would be between two and three years old, since this is the moment in which the child develops the capacity for knowledge and begins to understand what he does and how. Little by little you will learn to control the route and balance of the bicycle and you will feel fulfilled and very happy.

We must not forget that we must be patient at all times so as not to stress our little ones. As time goes by, the child will have security and will have found the necessary balance to get ahead on his bike. Do not despair!

Brush your teeth alone

We think it’s easy, but for a young child this action can seem complicated and confusing. We should start brushing our children’s teeth from the appearance of the first tooth, but in this first stage of their lives they should always do it under supervision so as not to take unnecessary risks . At around 5 or 6 years of age, we can start giving them more autonomy to do it alone. We must always leave their brushes and toothpaste at hand in an ideal space in the bathroom where they can arrive without problems. Serving them as an example will be essential so that little by little they do it with greater correction.

Tying your shoelaces

Tying shoelaces is an act that for adults can be very simple, but in the eyes of children it is a real gibberish . All of us were taught to tie our shoelaces by our parents, grandparents, siblings, or teachers, and there is no single method. We can look for resources to make it more attractive and simple, such as using a plastic bottle to which we will simply have to put the cords around and use the trick that does not like the most so that the child remembers it later when tying.

Teaching them to tie their shoelaces effectively can be done as early as 3 or 4 years old and in no case should we put pressure on the child if it doesn’t work out, they can try again another time.

Learn the value of money

From about 6 years old, we should start talking to children about money , about what they need and what they want. It can be very practical and educational for them to get to know the value of the things they want so much, such as what some sweets are worth, or we can even encourage them to give the money to the baker when they go to buy bread, since They will feel very special and they will see that you count on them.

But with regard to the issue of money, it is always important that they know that although we buy things with it, it is not one of the things that bring us happiness or importance in life. Do not forget!

Help with laundry

Of course young children will not be able to use the washer and dryer in this process, but they can help put dirty clothes in or remove clean clothes after the washing machine is done . If you want them to learn to use it later, around the age of 10, for example, watch them teaching the process and when you are sure they have understood it, let them practice independently.

Use public transport

Most parents are afraid of using public transport, but if children are taught to find their way back home and to be able to reach their destination there is no need to worry . They can begin to use public transport independently between the ages of 10 and 13, depending on each individual child and the decision of their parents. If, for example, the child needs to take the bus to go to school, we must make the route several times with him so that he can learn the route and the stops there are. Developing a sense of direction and responsibility is essential in this regard.

Know your address and phone number

It is important for the child to remember their address and family phone number . This will always be of great importance if you get lost or cannot find your way home.

We can also use a small bracelet where the address and telephone number are printed for emergencies, as is done in many places in summer on crowded and / or beach days.

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