How to teach your child to do homework on time

Preparing homework and homework is not a pleasant thing for children, but it is necessary for the proper education of our children. Here are the best existing methods to help children control their own times.

Tips to learn to do homework on time

  1. Set an exact time allotted for homework. When a child knows the exact moment to start doing homework, it is much easier for him, psychologically, to be able to assume it as just another daily task. As we all know, one of the most common problems for both children and adults is to senselessly postpone difficult or unpleasant problems for later or for the eternal “after” or “tomorrow”. It is always best to set the time for each task and make an agreement with them to study as soon as you get home and before going to the park, or right after. Depending on the child’s ability to undertake these tasks, or depending on whether he is more or less nervous, one moment or another will be more appropriate. In any case, it is important to remember that the more we delay it, the more difficult it will be for the child to focus on specific and important tasks due to physical and mental fatigue. In any case, we will have to be quite persistent at the beginning to get into the habit.
  1. Don’t let it get distracted by the outside . Everyone knows that if there is an opportunity to do something else on your study or homework site (for example, play the console or turn on the computer to go online), then most of the time you will spend it on that “other thing”. The child usually looks, consciously or not, for some possibility of escape, and games or the internet are the ideal and most striking methods for this. At your table you should only have your notebooks, textbooks, calculator, etc. Of course, today many teachers lean towards the Internet when carrying out certain tasks, such as those that have to do with the search and selection of information, but in this case we can always motivate our children to search in books and go to the library, which will also mean leaving home and disconnecting, something always positive.  
  1. Teach you to plan things . All tasks are known to be made easier if there is a detailed list of them. Children should write them down in a diary, assigning them a date, and even if they want, a specific time to do them. In this way we will also be teaching them the fundamentals of time management, which will be of great value for their entire future as students, and also for their adult life.

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