Teaching is an activity that takes place in a complex and uncertain environment. It is a process that takes into account many elements: the characteristics of the students, the classroom environment, the social environment …

From this multifaceted context, teachers show certain attitudes that express illusions and disappointments about teaching. Teachers may show themselves to teaching as passive or active agents. Let’s see it next:

In teaching, as a passive agent , procedures and evaluation are valued from a routine and mechanical teaching, concerned with structuring the school day, correcting the proposed materials and maintaining control.

Teachers take a passive role in interacting with children and adapt to a routine work environment. In these environments there is the inability to motivate students and make decisions that affect the teaching-learning process.

The main motivation is focused on teaching well, the product of a structured and hierarchical conception of education. Unfortunately, many teachers are unmotivated, frustrated and overwhelmed by the various tasks of their teaching practice.

The practice as an active agent refers to dynamic and excited teachers who are committed to challenge and continuous growth, generally expressing a greater commitment to the center, focusing on the needs of the students.

They also present a positive attitude towards their work, reflected in their effort to develop personally and professionally. But what elements or conditions promote teacher motivation and enthusiasm?

motavacion profesor

Relations with the rest of the teaching staff

Integration provides teachers with a degree of security and confidence, encouraging them to acquire new skills and strategies.

In these contexts, decisions between teachers are promoted, aimed at planning teaching and improving practice.

Work environments linked to joint problem solving

A workspace focused on problem solving requires a deep group feeling that encourages teachers to reflect on their practice and find permanent ways of improvement.

Continuous assessment

Recognition of work done and continuous evaluation encourage constructive criticism.

Sufficient resources

An environment with adequate resources provides the minimum conditions and tools to facilitate the teaching and learning process.

However, resources are only a necessary but not sufficient condition to generate high levels of motivation.

What is essential is to assume a new way of understanding the relationship between theory and practice, favoring professional-personal knowledge that is built from practical experience and collaborative exchange with the rest of the teaching staff. From this interactive and dynamic context, the teacher is conceived as:

“Active, intelligent professional, whose activity includes the establishment of objectives, the search for information, the formulation of hypotheses …” .

One of the main tasks of teaching consists, as has been said, in reflection . Reflection is a process where knowledge of reality derives from one’s own experience. Reflection in action constitutes a space for contrast between theoretical schemes and reality.

This conception of the teacher as a researcher of their practice finds its roots in the work of Stenhouse (1984), who defends an autonomous professional culture, as well as an inquiring attitude about practice. Relying on practice involves a process of reflection and constant decision-making.

The ability of teachers to reflect on and on their action and make coherent decisions affects the teaching-learning process.

The most advisable thing is to bet on a Collaborative Model , which starts from the identification of needs and the prioritization of them to develop the most appropriate action plans for solving the problems that arise.

A series of phases will be attended:

  • Creation of spaces and times for debate among teachers.
  • Analysis and identification of problematic situations.
  • Clarification and formulation of problems.
  • Joint and coordinated search for solutions.
  • Preparation of action plans.
  • Development of said plans and monitoring of what has been done.

This process improves the quality of teaching, enhancing the ability of teachers to develop a critical and reflective design about their practice.

But there are also other very necessary aspects that must be inherent to the teacher, in addition to the capacity for reflection, such as:

Ability to carry out a rigorous, systematic and coherent exercise, understanding attitude towards the class group, disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge of the curriculum, mastery of methodological skills …

By way of conclusion , the following annotations can be established:

  • The attitude of the teacher is an important element for professional development.
  • Teaching aimed exclusively at solving procedural issues generates higher levels of apathy and disappointment.
  • Dynamic teachers are committed to reflection in action.
  • The Teacher Training institutions play a decisive role, since they attend to the diversity and complexity of the educational process.


AUTHOR: Mari Paz Quintero Fernández del CSIF (ISSN 1696-7208) -> Original PDF

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