Learn to recognize Attention Deficit Disorder in children

3 Symptoms of ADHD and its main characteristics

Despite the fact that almost everyone has heard of ADHD, few parents know what it is and how to identify it , since it is difficult to detect and even more difficult to diagnose.

It is known to have a neurological origin thanks to new diagnostic techniques based on brain mapping. The main areas of the brain affected by it have been identified: the prefrontal cortex, the basal ganglia, the parietal cortex and the anterior cingulate. These areas are related to each other, and influence impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattention, which are the 3 main symptoms of ADHD that are detected each by the following characteristics:


  • They cannot remain seated even if the situation requires it.
  • If they do, they do not stop moving their hands and feet without rest in addition to changing their posture.
  • In inappropriate situations they run or jump, they do not stand still.
  • They play what they shouldn’t by meddling in other people’s business.
  • They are always moving as if they “won’t go out.”
  • They talk too much.
  • They have accidents often.


  • They do not think before acting. They do not measure the consequences and even when they have already been affected by their impulses, they still do not learn.
  • They constantly interrupt others.
  • Waiting your turn is challenging. They are very impatient.
  • They usually do not admit discipline.
  • They do not prevent or plan.
  • They do not let the question finish and respond sharply.
  • They meddle in the affairs of others without permission.
  • They are unaware of the danger and go to the limit.
  • They get frustrated easily.

Attention deficit

  • It is difficult for them to maintain attention in games or tasks.
  • They do not lend themselves to activities that you have to think about.
  • They do not pay attention to details and often have difficulty in school with explanations or homework.
  • They seem to be not listening when spoken to.
  • They do not focus on one thing, they are too easily distracted.
  • They do not finish what they are doing, it is difficult for them to follow instructions.
  • They are forgetful and often lose supplies and personal things.

Diagnosis is often erroneous both due to excess and deficiency: either any restless child is labeled “hyperactive” or if a real behavior problem is blamed, for example, the parents’ education. All this generates confusion in the family and can lead to a conflict that generates stress and anxiety for the child and those around him. That is why it is important that apart from observing if the child shows the symptoms that we have described, we are clear that the points that we give as reference below are fulfilled, since any child can experience the symptoms for a specific period of time due to changes in your life or illnesses, for example:

  • Presence of symptoms since before 7 years of age.
  • It happens the same at home as at school, the place does not influence.
  • There is no improvement, even more.
  • It has no explanation for another disorder or medical problem.
  • Presence of 6 or more symptoms for at least one semester.

If you have arrived here and you believe that your child’s character is being affected by ADHD, consult a specialist who inspires confidence and, if necessary, ask for a second opinion. If it is indeed ADHD, nothing happens, there are therapies of all kinds and a professional will decide what is best for your child. And as always, all the love and security that we transmit will help you to evolve positively more than anything else.

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