How to motivate students on their journey to reading

Motivating children to learn to read on their own is also arousing their interest and level of curiosity. Thus, for example, reading exciting stories helps them associate reading with pleasure . For this reason, when teachers share stories of mysteries, emotions or fantasies with their students, they create a community in which everyone remains united for the same purpose and mutual relationships are strengthened. In addition, when children listen to readings from their teachers, they also learn other things of vital importance, such as the structure that makes up stories and stories, a greater attention span, or new knowledge and notions of grammar, vocabulary and spelling.




Teachers can begin to encourage interest in and practice of reading in class with nonfiction books as well, showing entertaining ways of introducing certain science, math, or social studies concepts, and then moving on to more difficult texts. Another interesting activity to do can be to make a picture dictionary at home (with cutouts, drawings or whatever comes to mind for each student) that accompanies each story read in the classroom, which can also be useful to find out if have understood the readings. Involving students in didactic work and entertaining dynamics reinforces their curiosity and cognitive abilities, as well as their interest in participation and self-improvement. How about getting them to make comics based on old stories?

Another method that teachers can use with reading aloud is to pause every so often for students to pair up and discuss what they heard. When children participate in this way, they practice their listening, thinking and speaking skills, which are essential for communication and learning , and they also pay more attention to what is read in order to be able to speak and participate in the dynamics when the time comes. moment. Reading aloud to children, in any case, and even for a short time each day, will always help improve their language skills, as well as their love of literature and learning.



Other ideas to improve children’s interest and reading level

  • Choose stories that you have read and enjoyed as this will convey enthusiasm to students.
  • Read lots of books of different styles and practice reading aloud to learn to modulate well and project your voice properly.
  • Choose colorful books that are large enough for children to see clearly in class.
  • Read some stories repeating a phrase, adding new parts or inviting the children to complete.
  • Choose an area in the classroom or room that is quiet and comfortable so that children do not feel like they are working. Reading corners are usually a good resource.
  • Sit or stand higher than the students, so they can see and hear without problems.
  • Help children to calm down before starting the activity, guiding them with games or relaxing songs.
  • Ask questions that arouse the interest of the little ones during and after the reading.
  • Move the chosen book from one side to another so that the children can see the illustrations well.
  • Let the facial expressions reflect the emotions of the characters as well.
  • Use character voices and read with great expressiveness and enthusiasm .
  • Continue reading at a leisurely pace so that the children can understand it but not so much that they disperse.
  • Add creativity to classroom reading dynamics with other elements, such as puppets.
  • Accept all children’s comments or questions unless they interrupt the flow of the story.
  • Allow time to review the story and / or have the children act it out.
  • Select books that are appropriate for the emotional, social, and intellectual level of the students.
  • Choose some books or stories related to the curriculum or to different writing styles, cultures, etc.
  • After reading a chapter, if students seem uninterested, choose a different book.
  • Read interesting books at the end of the day as a reward for hard working students.



Teachers are a powerful role model for children and to develop their interest in reading , so if each teacher or teacher shows their love and enthusiasm for reading every day, it is very likely that children will be attracted and motivated, incorporating their daily school routine of reading aloud into their daily lives, as a method of entertainment, joy and relaxation.


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