We talk about climate when we refer to all those things related to the weather and all the possible changes that it can have and the way they are manifested on our planet Earth. For example, cold and warm temperatures, humidity, snow, wind, rain … all these things shape a climate , which will be of one type or another depending on those parameters: how often it rains, whether it snows or not, whether its temperatures are very high or very low …
These atmospheric events determine not only the way of life of each place, but also its appearance. And it is that the climate can determine many things, but it determines especially what type of plants and animals can live in an area . For example, polar bears need a cold climate and would die quickly in a desert, because they are used to its climate. When climates begin to change, as is the case today due to climate change, animals and plants are in danger.
In this way, that a climate is more or less stable in our days does not mean that it has been the same all our life, since the atmosphere undergoes many changes. That is why our ancestors, in ancient times, did not necessarily see the same landscapes or experience the same heat or cold as us.
Climate scholars analyze all the averages of temperature or rainfall that occur in a year , doing the same with the levels of wind, rain, etc. With all these data they make a record that serves to compare if the climate of a certain place remains more or less stable or is showing serious changes. Normally we distinguish climates with the following scale: hot or tropical climate, temperate climate, cold climate and polar climate, but within this classification there are subgroups, which are: tropical jungle climate, tundra climate, desert climate, savanna climate and steppe or steppe climate.
For a climate to change, the changes must occur over a long period of time. The fact that in your city it almost never rains and it does it suddenly one day, or only in winter, does not mean that the climate of your locality has changed.
Natural and man-made changes in climate
Climates can change from time to time, usually naturally, but there may also be other external factors that influence the climate and its changes. For example, today we know that human beings have had a great impact on the atmosphere with their way of living (large cities, large population numbers, pollution …), and all this has had a great impact on the local climate in many places. of the world, commonly known as the effects of climate change.
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