Learning the multiplication tables is a memorization process that requires effort on the part of the child, teachers, and parents. It can take up to two years for a child to complete this very important learning, but there is a certain and fabulous age to learn multiplications by heart without ever forgetting them for the rest of their lives.


Simple tricks that will facilitate the learning of the multiplication tables

Do memory challenges

Children have a great capacity to activate their memory and make it work better than any adult, but it is important that the completion of this process is not tedious so that they never see learning as a punishment . Everything can be better planned as a game that, in addition to being fun, also poses the learning of tables as a challenge.

If your child is facing the tables for the first time, play with him. If he is learning the table of 3, for example, let him learn it in order and then when he masters it well, challenge him to know it is messy. Ask him the result of some (for example 3 Ă— 5) while he is bathing, before going to bed, while he is playing …, since it will be a way to put him to the test without feeling pressured. Put emphasis on the one that you forget the most.


There are easier tables than others. Take advantage of them!

The table of 1, 2, 5 and 9 are the easiest tables for children.

  • The 1 table always returns the same number.
  • The table of 2 can be learned with songs because it is very rhythmic and that makes learning easier: “2 and 2 are 4, 4 and 2 are 6, 6 and 2 are 8 and 8 16”.
  • In the table of 5 the results always end in 0 or 5. The results are 0.5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50.
  • The table of 9 is usually easy because when it is time to learn it, the children already know the rest of the tables and it is easy just by changing the multiplicands. Instead of 9 Ă— 2, the child will remember the table of 2 and in his head he will be able to turn 2 Ă— 9.
  • The 6 table can be easier with this trick

The table of 6 is not so straightforward, but the sound of even results can help. The result of the even numbers in the table of 6 ends in a number equal to its multiplicand:

  • 6x 2 = 1 2
  • 6x 4 = 2 4
  • 6x 6 = 3 6
  • 6x 8 = 4 8
  • 6x 10 = 6 0

If a board is costing your child, don’t push him and let him rest for a couple of days. Find another way to help him and start over. If a test fails after your effort, find another way to teach it. After all, what we want is for the child to learn multiplication for a lifetime and not just to pass a test.

On the way through this basic learning, always congratulate him on his progress and never tell him that tables are very easy to learn, since children need to think that they are assuming and overcoming the challenges that are presented to them.


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