Tips and basic signs to detect dyslexia in children

There are millions of children and adults in the world with some degree of dyslexia, an alteration in visual communication, which affects their ability to read, spell and do math problems, for example. Suffering dyslexia, especially if it is not noticed in time by parents and / or teachers, can affect the self-esteem of the sufferer and generate frustration and problems with school and academic results, as well as changes in mood and in the behavior. That is why it is very important, on the part of parents and teachers, not to delay the detection of dyslexia and to be attentive to all the signs that may exist.

One of the main ways to detect dyslexia is through the reading process, and a first clue might be given when you listen to your child that he is learning to read, and notice that there is a bit of difficulty in the simplest words . Even though you know that your little one is making great progress, it is still surprising how his brain does not seem to remember the simplest and most common words that he has read before. Another thing that we should take into account when detecting dyslexia is to banish the idea that it only manifests itself with the pronunciation or reading of disordered words and vice versa , because today it is known that it can manifest itself in more shapes.

Any father or mother who has a child with reading difficulties will need information about dyslexia and its manifestations, in order to also be able to rule out this alteration in some cases, especially due to the fact that problems with reading could also derive from many other factors.


Basic signs to recognize dyslexia

Next, we will address some of the most important basic points of dyslexia , in order to be able to follow up at home or in class with the little ones when parents or teachers have doubts about the possible existence in children of this disorder:

  • They can read a word on one page, but they wo n’t recognize it later on the next page.
  • They know phonetics, but can not pronounce an unfamiliar word.
  • They possess slow, laborious, and inaccurate reading of single words and in isolation (when there is no story line or pictures to provide clues).
  • When something is misread, they often say a word that has the same first and last letter even though it has nothing to do with it.
  • They may insert or omit letters at times.
  • They may say a word that has the same letters but in a different sense, such as who-how .
  • When they read aloud, they read with a slow , choppy cadence , often ignoring punctuation marks.
  • They often get too tired after reading for short periods of time.
  • Reading comprehension can be low due to the great expenditure of energy involved in trying to understand words. Listening comprehension is usually significantly higher.
  • Directionality confusion appears when reading and writing.
  • BD confusion is a classic warning sign and they can confuse between left and right.
  • They can also be confused with the following letters, bp, nu, or mw, even believing that they are the same. This is also a confusion of directionality.
  • They substitute similar-looking words , even if the meaning of the sentence changes.
  • When reading a story or sentence, they substitute a word that means the same thing but with a completely different form, such as fast for speed .
  • They have common problems with determiners and pronouns .


In short, children with dyslexia can manifest the alteration through multiple ways , although in the long run almost all of them will be related to reading and writing problems, and as long as it is detected in time, since otherwise they could be lead to other underlying problems such as misunderstanding, anxiety or disinterest. Catching dyslexia early will also prevent these children from having to deal with involuntary school problems , usually caused by reading, writing, and reasoning problems.

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