Spring is a time when everything is growing and bursting into life. Birds sing, leaves unfold, butterflies begin to be seen, and mammals begin to awaken from their winter sleep.


The months of March, April and May

It is often said that spring begins at the beginning of March in the northern hemisphere, and therefore on March 21 the so-called Spring Equinox takes place , or what is the same, the date when day and night reach one same duration.

This season is a time when the days lengthen and the spring sunlight brings growth and greenery everywhere, with buds bursting and leaves unfurling. The song of the birds grows and many flowers appear, which in turn attract the life of insects, including bees and butterflies. Animals that have hibernated for the winter appear in the first warm days of spring , so keep an eye on hedgehogs, newborn queens, frogs, toads, or lizards in early spring. Other animals, like squirrels, become more active and easier to spot.

primavera ranas

Ultimately, nature seems to be busiest during spring, as every day brings change, the sap increases and, for many species, finding a mate and successful reproduction is the top priority.

Ideas and activities to enjoy and do in spring


  • See the flowers sprout. In spring, for example, hawthorn buds burst and new fresh green leaves appear followed by creamy white flowers in late April or May. Before these flowers used to grow in the month of May, but in many places now flowers appear already in April, perhaps as a sign that climate change is influencing and making spring arrive earlier than before.
  • Bumblebees queen . Look for the first bumblebees on warm March days. These will be queens that have survived the winter successfully and are now foraging for nectar and pollen from spring flowers.
  • Migratory birds . Cuckoos and swallows usually arrive in April. Swifts, for their part, may not appear until the beginning of May. Don’t miss them!
  • Frogs and toads on the move . One of the first signs of spring is the appearance of frogs and toads. Look for masses of frogs in the ponds and parks in your area. Toads often travel long distances to the ponds they see best suited for breeding, and they travel at night when it is cooler and they notice the environment more humid.
  • Bluebell carpets. One of the best wildlife spectacles in spring is snowdrops. In late April and early May, snowdrops are usually in their prime, so make sure you don’t miss out on this amazing spring show.
  • Learn bird songs. Spring is when bird songs are at their best. Why don’t you get up early and start learning bird songs? An early morning walk in the fresh air can also be a very good idea to observe wildlife and listen to the beautiful song of the birds.
  • Nature detective. Enjoy the outdoors and create a record of when and where you see the first spring flowers, the first migratory birds, the first frogs and butterflies…. Your records could help scientists tomorrow charged with studying such important things as climate change and its impact on wildlife . Besides enjoying and learning a lot of things, your records could be a very important contribution to humanity. Let’s get to work detective!

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