actividades extraescolares

Nowadays, the lack of time at home due to the hours that parents must dedicate to the workday, makes it very difficult to reconcile free time with their children, as well as to help them with their daily schoolwork. This also makes extracurricular activities more meaningful than ever, since in this way children continue to enjoy their free time and improve their school performance. Of course, it is very important that when deciding which extracurricular activities they are going to carry out, we take their opinion into account , since it is they, and not us, who will carry out the activity.

We adults are aware that doing an activity on a daily basis that we are not really made for, or that we dislike, can be a real problem when it comes to following the rhythm of each day with the necessary motivation. That is why it is very important that we take into account the tastes and opinions of our children. In this sense, there are many activities that can be carried out after school hours, and may be related to sports, art, technology, dance, crafts, dramatization or the reinforcement of subjects that are appropriate for them. problems at school or in high school.


The key to discovering innate talent

We all have an internal talent, or at least we have a predilection for certain activities over others. The promotion of these activities can be essential to awaken the curiosity and desire to do things in younger people, and extracurricular activities allow us to work very well in this regard. If our children like sports, they will appreciate being able to enjoy their free time after school hours and being able to disconnect for an hour or two playing racket or a football game. This, applied to the activity you want, can be a complete revulsion for the monotonous daily school life that they have to face every day, in addition to also supplying a new space in which to meet new people, socialize and make new friends that maybe they will keep for life.


The importance of growing with experience

People need experiences to move forward, to understand the world around us and to develop as human beings. The things we do in life help us to be right and wrong; to know what we like and what we don’t; or to enjoy or relax from the stress that those things that we are almost forced to face every day can cause us.

And if we adults need all this, the younger ones need it even more, if possible, since they still need guides, motivations and new perspectives, to know where they want to direct their path.

Thanks to extracurricular activities, children can enjoy learning new things, they can project their wishes and future illusions, or they can improve their abilities and skills that they already need in their usual environment, mainly at school. The range of extracurricular activities has improved a lot, moreover, in recent times, making available to children and even parents, dynamics as original as the practice of ballroom dancing, yoga and Pilates exercises , the fun aerobics of the The discipline of Zumba, or even the practice of gastronomy, is very topical today thanks to popular television programs. Being able to practice certain activities as a family can be a very good idea for us to make our children see that doing an extracurricular activity is not just another burden to add to the weight of all daily responsibilities, but a way of enjoying our time, focused on our tastes and priorities. And there is nothing like setting an example, so that children can feel physically and mentally stimulated, and encouraged to face new and interesting challenges in their lives.

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