The assessment methods that work the most in class

There are various assessment methods that can be applied in class, and each of them shows the competencies acquired by students . Some instruments are more appropriate than others depending on the learning approach that is sought in the student. For this reason, in this article, we want to introduce you to the most common assessment methods and the type of information that can be collected to better understand the learning process that the student experiences.

We speak of formative assessment when students are being analyzed and tested as they learn. On the contrary, we call summative evaluation the evaluation that is carried out at the end of a cycle, more or less brief, and as a test.


evaluación formativa



Learn about the most effective evaluation methods

There are different evaluation methods and here are some of the most common. Many are life-long, formative and summative methods, but their effectiveness means that they continue to be part of the evaluation process of millions of schools worldwide.


  • The notebook review

The review of a class notebook can give us information on aspects such as attention in the classroom, the level of comprehension, spelling, the level of written expression, the student’s clarity of ideas , the selection of primary and secondary ideas in a topic, the reflective level of the student, responsibility or interest with the subject.


  • Traditional exams

They are the most common to assess knowledge and memory on a topic. These can be oral or written and must have standardized conditions of application to be really fair and useful. You can also assess the level of association that students have on the topic and real life events. One aspect that every teacher who uses this method should remember is that their results should have a more investigative than sanctioning measure, that is, that the results should be used to observe both the student’s failures and those of the teacher himself, and not to punish to the student.


  • Conceptual maps

It is a method that helps students to highlight the keywords of the topics . It is an idea sketch, an ideal method for long and complex topics. With this method you can connect concepts and more easily create a theoretical mesh on the subject.


  • Monographs

Monographic works are an important resource for students to delve into a topic and the different points of view according to different authors. It is ideal to observe the degree of research of the student, as well as their level of criteria and formality to present an investigation (authors, editorials, documentation dates, etc.).



evaluación sumativa



  • Anecdotal records

It is a type of evaluation that a teacher can make to get to know a group in general and specific cases of students who deviate from the average of the rest of the class. Anecdotal records are notes of unusual behavior that provide accurate information about an event and provide meaningful insight for post-event reflection. Recorded facts can be associated with learning theories to reinforce positive attitudes to the method used in class or change whatever needs to be changed.


But why might assessment methods and their use make great teachers? Well, because good teachers are able to adjust and adapt their appropriate teaching level and approach to each subject, also depending on what students know at each stage.

A good formative or summative evaluation will be able to remove barriers , such as the common embarrassment that public and collective participation entails for young people, and will in turn provide teachers with comments and signals on whether these applied methods are being effective or not. The good teacher capable of applying the correct evaluation method to each subject and stage, will achieve that feedback between teachers and students necessary for the achievement and good school functioning.



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