School begins! How to make the adaptation period more bearable

All beginnings are difficult, but some children have an easier time adjusting to different people and environments, and others have a harder time. It corresponds to the transition process by which the baby or child must leave their family environment, which provided them with security and confidence, to gradually discover and adapt to a new unknown environment: la.

This gradual educational process , which will allow them to develop their autonomy and sociability in the longer term, nevertheless initially represents a significant and far-reaching change for the child, who must be separated – probably for the first time – from their parents or main caregivers, with whom he was used to living and interacting, from whom he used to receive a lot of attention and care and the satisfaction of his basic needs, and with whom he shared a (father, mother or main caregivers, constituting for him his greatest attachment figures ).

Important facts about the adaptation period

  • The experiences of this stage are going to be processed for a long time in the affective memory of the child, so they must be taken care of.
  • As long as it is possible to reconcile with the work obligations of the parents, it is preferable that the incorporation be progressive . So the shock is not so sudden and they better assimilate the new situation.
  • In the case of the little ones, it is advisable for the parents to accompany them in the classroom for a little while during the first days. The presentations of people and surroundings will always be more pleasant in the company of mom or dad.
  • You have to try to convey security and confidence . If they see that parents doubt or fear separation, they will have a worse time.
  • All the beginning of the course, the classrooms are prepared to make this period easier for the children. The class environment is welcoming and activities are scheduled in which the affective aspect is taken care of. The educator must always be accessible.
  • It is normal that the first days they want to take one , to give them security. It should not be prevented.
  • In a short time we will see how well it adapts. We will notice that he is adapted when he feels safe enough to show his emotional world, to give and accept affection, and to exchange experiences. Some children have problems associated with this stage such as sleep disturbance or lack of appetite. It is usually something temporary and is solved with love and understanding.

Tips to bring the adaptation more naturally

For young children the changes that occur in this period are difficult to manage. Therefore, it is important that we are by your side:

1. First of all: The days before starting it is advisable to tell them about the school, the teachers, what they are going to learn and new “friends” …
2. Accompany them and be patient: The child should not feel a sense of abandonment, arrival at school cannot be in a hurry. There are children who need more time than others. Although the farewell, the time to say goodbye, should be as short as possible.
3.: We must never magically disappear.

The ability of children to integrate into a new environment and habits depends on. For this reason, the time that their adaptation period should last are relative to the personal and social history of each child, and it is important to respect them individually.

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