This project that we are going to bring you closer so that you know it a little better is wonderful and absolutely necessary. When something comes up to defend equality between the sexes and is also directed at boys and girls it is… fantastic. Because inequality is machismo and machismo degrades, vexes, frustrates, discriminates, limits, rapes and kills. So it is and so we see it every day in the world. In some places more than in others, but there is no country that is not free. And I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want my daughter to be treated badly or made to feel that she is less simply because she is a woman. And I say my daughter as I could say my niece, my student or my granddaughter.
I personally have two sons and I do everything possible to educate them in equality and respect. I worry that my children know that a girl is a person who can do exactly the same as them , she may not want to have children or yes, and have her hair as short or long as she wants. They may not like princesses, not wear makeup, or want to be a firefighter. I teach them that people can be as they please as long as they respect the opposite and that is what it is about: respect and contributing to each other. To add and not to subtract.
For children to grow up valuing women and men alike, it is necessary for them to know that in history there have been influential women, female artists, female fighters who have changed paradigms, brave women and intelligent women: inventors, scientists, philosophers … Many and very big.
This project that we want to show you is a series of stories called Antiprincesas and it is a creation of the Argentine Editorial Chirimbote , which aims to demolish sexism by publishing stories that move away from history “princess seeks prince charming to be saved”. Here the stories have as main characters important women from Latin America, real women. At the moment they have published two beautiful stories that talk about the lives of Frida Kahlo and Violeta Parra. The next one will bring us closer to the Peruvian Juana Azurduy, heroine of independence, whom we would surely know more if instead of Juana it had been Juan.
The author of the stories is journalist Nadia Fink and the beautiful illustrations are by Pitu Álvarez . This interesting project will surely get many boys and girls to read these stories and meet enormous Latin American women as well as their philosophies of life, their courage and their courage, because without a doubt, to do what they did as a woman in our society they needed to be very brave. .
Hopefully this exciting project from Editorial Chirimbote will be imitated by other publishers and in the not too distant future there will be many, many Antiprincess stories that change the vision of women starting with the smallest of the house.
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