In every classroom it is vitally important to think about how we should organize the space and materials, that is why we are going to give you 6 ideas so that you can create different areas according to the needs of the children.
Essential areas in a classroom
1. Discovery zone
In this area we can include a multitude of elements that develop the imagination and attention of children. The most common materials can be musical elements, tools for drawing or making crafts, puzzles, puzzles and / or educational books. The main idea is for children to explore different concepts through their hands and learn to relate them.
2. News and planning zone
In this area we can include newspaper clippings on educational news, murals, calendars, rules sheets for the classroom, the weather that is going to be during the week, holidays and anything else you can think of. We can also include a plan so that the children know what they are going to do during the week, noting the exercises and activities that are going to be carried out.
3. Work and knowledge area
In this area, children can quietly perform homework and exercises. For this we will provide different types of materials such as pens, rulers, glue, cardboard, folders, help books, etc. We can include posters with cards on grammar, vocabulary, math facts, environment or nature. That way they will feel that this environment reinforces their learning.
4. Group and debate area
In this area, the children will be able to talk to each other to carry out joint activities or to ask questions they have and can be resolved between them, encouraging them to collaborate with each other. It’s a great way to see how they are interacting with each other and what their progress is being made. It can also be very useful to hold small class meetings and talk about general or specific topics, giving the different points of view of each child.
5. Zone of tranquility
This area is ideal for children who prefer to perform tasks individually, since that way they are more concentrated and put all their attention on the activity they are doing. This area should be quiet and with as little noise as possible, avoiding putting elements that distract the child. It is also ideal as a relaxation and reading area.
6. Teacher area
In this area we will have our own space to organize and plan the class, being able to decorate with the works that the children do, such as murals or any other type of crafts. We can include a small library area for the little ones and an emotion box to find out how the students’ day has gone.