Do you know the Doman method to teach reading?
Reading is a very important skill that children should acquire as soon as possible, but what many parents do not know is that the younger the child, the easier it will be to start teaching reading. And it is that with only 1 year the child may be able to read single words of 3, 4 or 5 letters; with 2 years short and meaningful sentences; and with 3 years it could even be able to read small books.
But how? Well, through a simple method developed by the doctor Glenn Doman more than fifty years ago. Doman, together with a group of neurologists he led, came to the conviction that with certain simple visual stimulations, young children could learn to speak and acquire simple and basic concepts. This method, developed through the so-called “intelligence bits”, is based on learning words or concepts through pictures , with the idea that the child can acquire as much information as possible in the shortest time possible. It is a system for learning to read effectively and can be carried out by both parents and teachers.
How can I put this method into practice?
Although it is a fairly simple method, it will certainly require dedication on our part. From 1 year, all the words that we want to teach a child will have to be said in a very loud and clear voice , helping us with sheets or white cards with an A3 or A4 size and where the word in question must be added. We must not forget that the letters must have a considerable size, so they have to occupy the entire width of the sheet. We can write the words by hand or using a computer with a printer, but we must always remember to make the same font, preferably Arial for its rounded style, and always in lowercase.
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Steps to follow during the method
- FIRST DAY: While we do our daily routine, we show him the word that we have made on a sheet of paper and we say: “It says here: (we wait 1 or 2 seconds) table”. Then we wait 2 or 3 more minutes and teach the word again to continue with our daily routine. Remember not to ask the child what they put in this phase, we should repeat this 3 times a day, ideally in the morning, at noon and in the afternoon / evening. If educators want to apply it, the corresponding phases would be: first thing in the morning, after recess and at the last minute. Finally, we put the page on top of the object itself (for example, table, if that is what we have decided to write), leaving the page on top of it.
- SECOND DAY: We repeat what was done the day before, with the exception that on the 3rd time we will ask the child: What is this? Waiting after 5 seconds to see if the child responds. If he answers correctly, we should show him signs of joy by saying: Yes, very good! In case you do not respond, we will always tell you the answer with a smile: “This is table.”
- AFTER DAYS: In order not to overwhelm the child too much, if he has not said the last word, we can start again with the same method but with a new word, for example, chair. When he knows correctly the word chair and the word table, we put the two pages together and ask him to tell us the word that we are pointing to. If you pass this test, it will mean that the child will know how to differentiate symbols that are written differently.
The ideal thing is to teach a short word every day if possible, not repeating words that begin with the same letter on the same day in any case.
On the last day of the week we can play to throw all the pictures to the ground so that the child can identify them. You will see how the results are constantly noticed!
Very interesting thanks for sharing