Something fundamental when reading is to be sure that the child likes it and will want to do the activity, because otherwise, a feeling of rejection towards reading could be generated in the child. Be reasonable and think that sometimes anyone wants some things more and sometimes others, and there is nothing wrong. Remember that one day you do not feel like it, it does not mean that you will never get closer to reading.
Another fundamental aspect is to do it in a comfortable and attractive environment , which can be the warm bed before going to sleep, or during the day in a reading area that we can prepare for our children with teepees, colorful cushions and light flags. , for example. It is about encouraging the environment to enchant the smallest of the house so that they are at ease and relate the act of reading with something beautiful and relaxing.
It is important that children, when reading with them, can visualize the book that we have decided to read, and that we have previously spent some time to see what it is about in order to check whether it is really suitable for our child or not. You can create small introductions to catch the child’s attention , since they tend to be impatient and looking at the book they will probably have the feeling that the end or the substance of the story will take a long time to arrive. Make a fun introduction with the story as a summary, in a mysterious tone about what will happen, or create sounds with the turning of the pages simulating that it is an absolutely magical book.
If it is a fantasy book or story, beware of certain characters that could create uneasiness in a young child by not really understanding what kind of characters they are, such as elves or goblins. Reassure him and make him see that there is nothing to fear.
Asking questions like, what do you think will happen next? Where do you think the mouse can be ? They can be interesting resources to keep the child curious and not get tired before the story ends.
Talking with your child about what the story has seemed to him or what conclusions he has drawn can be a fun and interesting way to keep what he has read and forge bonds between you. You will see as if you do this, the books that you have shared with him will have become his favorites.