As children get older, parents are aware that sooner or later it will be necessary to grant them licenses and place enough trust in them so that they can go about their lives and acquire responsibilities , without fear of anything happening to them. Beforehand, it is necessary to remember that no one can be protected from danger one hundred percent, because even we as adults are not safe from certain actions or accidents that in no way depend on us.
What we can do is provide the little ones with the necessary tools so that tomorrow, when they have to leave home and do more and more things alone, we can be calm and have full assurance that they will not take unnecessary risks and that they will make calm and thoughtful decisions.
Close relationships for the sake of safety
It is normal for fathers and mothers to feel insecure when their children are still small or young, as they see how little by little they are leaving the lap and total dependence, for a progressive individual freedom and a need (which will increase) to explore the world for themselves. The best thing in this type of situation is to assume that they are part of life and that they are natural, so as not to fall into authoritarian and coercive parenting system errors , which will not help the necessary growth of a child.
Being aware that life is like this and that our children will need us less and less will also avoid unpleasantness and uncontrolled emotional situations destined to retain young people or to coerce their actions. Trust is the key, as well as educating the little ones in empathy and responsibility from birth. A child who has been properly educated under these two main pillars will know that they should not take risks that affect their safety, since they will always keep in mind what is most appropriate, what is not, the consequences … and they will not want to break trust and confidence. happiness of your family environment.
Being parents who know how to always listen, who understand the pain and concerns of their children, who take into account their ideas and desires, who help them express and understand their emotions, as well as ask for help without fear or shame … are some of the keys to success in the issue of child and adolescent safety . In this sense, applying basic rules at home centered on the importance of communicating, always eating together, expressing feelings and commenting on experiences, and helping each other … will allow a bond to be created between all members of the community. family and a level of trust so strong that it will be difficult to break, even as the children grow and get older.
Other guidelines to prevent unsafe situations
Educating children also involves informing them and explaining things to them so that they can understand them and be aware of their consequences , and talking about dangerous situations is completely mandatory. This information must be received by children from their earliest childhood and, above all, must be respected by the adults who accompany them. These are just a few of the most important:
- Teach children the importance of road safety regulations .
- Encourage socialization and relationship with others .
- Seek to maximize healthy levels of self-esteem .
- Be informed about friends, parents and addresses for security purposes and not for control.
- Educate in confidence and empower children in self-confidence.
- Establish parental control filters for the use of electronic devices and minimize them as they advance in age, independence and maturity.
- Inform about security protocols in public places and emergency telephones.
- Educate in respect for others regardless of their gender, race or sexual and / or religious orientation.
Communication between families is very important and responsibility must begin as the norm in the adult world. If these premises of communication and understanding are not met within a family, it will be very difficult to trust the children when they take off, and they will not have had a sufficient example. We must also avoid always assuming that if children get into certain problems or risky situations, it is always due to the influence of others. Assuming that adolescence and childhood are stages of extreme vulnerability to influences will free us from unnecessary prejudices. And it is about preventing future dangerous situations, and not about throwing balls out or looking the other way if these situations finally arise.
Being able to educate children so that they are people with judgment and discernment capacity will help them to live, once the young people close the door of the house, with much more tranquility.