Positive language transmits good vibes, optimism and a great desire to do new things. When the teacher uses it in the classroom, it fills the environment with inspiring magic that students feel and assimilate for their learning.
But this is not easy, because some people have created the habit of being optimistic and without realizing it always have a positive language, and others are usually just the opposite and cannot get out of the gray scale. Regardless of how people are, the truth is that those who have permanent contact with the little ones, such as teachers, have to learn to assimilate this positive language in order to introduce it into the classroom and inspire it in children. The good news is that this can be worked on and achieved by following certain habits, which we will talk about below.
How can we introduce positive language in the classroom?
How to introduce positive language in the classroom
- Stop negative expressions
The first thing that should be done is to remove from the vocabulary any phrase that is pessimistic , arrogant or full of negative qualifiers . Expressions like, how clumsy you are! You’re always a mess! You never do it right! … are all phrases that seek to qualify the person negatively, and not the fact itself or the specific behavior. That is, they do not contribute anything at all to learning.
Children internalize these phrases and do not doubt them, since they consider that the opinion of adults always has weight, and as time passes they may behave according to certain qualifications received.
- Incorporate cute words and phrases every day into your vocabulary
Consciously choosing positive words to address students is an act that helps develop self-esteem and that, in a very simple way, can make routine days much more beautiful. Publicly reinforce the positive and not the negative that you see in students. Phrases like, what a well organized notebook you have! How creative is your drawing! How well you organize the groups! You are an excellent companion! These are phrases that always lift your spirits and also provide valuable and meaningful reinforcement for good development. And remember: when things require a wake-up call, do them, but with a face to face from teacher to student in private.
- Play and talk with children at your height
Crouching down to children’s height to tell them something important or to play with them is emotionally positive for them. They will feel confident and will be able to connect much better to reality, to that wake-up call or that conversation with you. This strategy is also very good for when children are feeling sad and need comfort, so parents can take good account of it too.
- Find new ways to enforce the rules
We usually use orders to enforce the rules like, pick up the toys! Don’t litter the walls! Don’t run! Don’t yell! … A type of phrases that are repeated so many times that children become insensitive to them, as if they had some kind of deafness. So, if this happens to you, instead establish strategies such as games, songs, jokes or even a little sarcasm to indicate that it is time to comply with some rule or that obligations or responsibilities are not being remembered.
For example, the song that says “to put away to put everything in its place…” is excellent to indicate at home or at preschool children that playtime is over and that it is time to start picking up toys. These types of dynamics can also be very good for channeling the importance of positive language (and positive behaviors ) in the classroom.
And you, do you always keep a positive tone in your class?