It is said that children do not respect their parents today, that they have no respect for adults in general, or that they make fun of their teachers and other authority figures whenever the opportunity presents itself. Perhaps one of the reasons for these disrespect is in the absence of rules of coexistence and in a wrong interpretation and association between love and a continuous lack of limits, as if establishing rules were an impediment when educating children. children with love and affection.

Respect is the basis, or should be, of any society, but other aspects are also important such as the house rules that we establish as adults, a solid base of education and example that allows children to know how to say things like forgiveness, for Please or thank you, that children learn to respect their parents and teachers … etc. It is true that this seems easy and that it is not always so when it comes to carrying it out, so in this article we want to refer to some of the best tips that exist in the educational landscape to be able to achieve it.






Tips for Children to Respect Their Parents


  • Create tolerant environments at home

The treatment between the parents themselves is the main example of behavior that children can have: how they see behavior at home, how they act in the street … That is why parents should find a way to be tolerant and avoid aggressive scenarios that only encourage fear and do not command respect in the least. Respect is the best value that we can transmit to children and, like any other, it should not be taught but transmitted from generation to generation.


  • Listen without interrupting your opinions

We must be aware that children have problems just like adults and that they are no less important. The discussion with a friend, the completion of an exam, the first outings or the first loves … are their own problems and for them they can be real headaches, so do not laugh or belittle them. Better try to remember the feelings that were had in those years and learn to listen and help so that they can solve these problems without having to be judged. Otherwise, they may end up suffering the same stress that adults suffer, which will predispose them to continue having it in the future and end up cultivating a defensive character only.


  • Respect each other and not lie

There is nothing more destructive to a child and flattering of this possible disrespect than discovering that their own parents are lying to them. So, avoid making false promises or assuring things that you will not be able to fulfill , and when this occurs due to force majeure, do not forget to apologize for not being able to carry out a promise or because things will not finally turn out. as planned. Asking for forgiveness should also be a grown-up thing and they are those kinds of things that help children learn to respect and behave in life.


  • Incorporate a language of everyday respect

Words are powerful and make us free and strong, so parents should teach children the best words so that they repeat them constantly and apply them normally to their lives. Words like “thank you”, “please”, “sorry” or “sorry” are those words that are so necessary to use in our everyday language; words that we must use together with the youngest whenever necessary.





  • Don’t be afraid to say “NO”

Do not confuse giving love to your children with giving them everything they ask for. It is important that children know the limits or that, when they do not deserve something or when it cannot be given for any reason, you can explain it in a slow and conflict-free way. Do not be afraid of aggressive reactions or frustrations , as these situations are absolutely normal also between parents and children.


  • Exercise authority with great respect

It is also important to distinguish between the need to set limits and rules and things like yelling, which are far from synonymous with respect. Yelling, threats or authoritarianism are more indications of emotional lack of control, so instead of making children more respectful to their parents they can achieve the opposite effect. Authority is exercised firmly by leaving clear rules, as well as the consequences of not following them. These premises being clear … it will not be necessary at all to shout and create an atmosphere of tension, because it will only take us away from our fundamental objective.



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