Educating in values as important as perseverance and effort is a basic task today more than ever, since modern times make it seem that many of these essential values have been lost a bit with respect to the past. That is why older people should continue to be the object of respect and admiration, as they continue to be one of the best examples to follow for the little ones. And a concrete and significant example of this is that of the old woman who, at the age of 92, has finished primary school.

We are talking about Luisa Vergara , a woman who lives in Río Negro, Argentina, and who like many others did not have the opportunity in her time to train, not even to acquire such basic skills as reading or writing. An example of improvement that should serve to illuminate the path of so many young people who deny the very important opportunity that is to go to school and be able to train to enjoy a better future than that of their parents and / or grandparents.





Luisa, who was born in 1927, could not go to school because it was quite far from where she lived with her family, and because the truth is that in those times (and particularly when it was humble families) what was most urgent To a family, unfortunately, it was the fact that all its members could collaborate as soon as possible with the family finances , which led the children to work and to forget such everyday things today as going to school.

However, during the course of her life, Luisa never forgot the importance of being able to learn basic values and skills, and although she could not enjoy them when appropriate, she did not abandon the idea of being able to achieve it in the future. Finally, and after spending a lot in life like losing her husband (something that happened to her very young), she decided nothing more and nothing less than at the age of 90 to start her primary studies. Luisa affirms that she will never forget her first teacher and, although she has already finished her course, she continues to go to acquire more learning and new knowledge . It is likely that, after a life as hard as Luisa’s, in which you almost have to forget childhood in order to help your family, to be able to guide your children with no help other than your own … one is aware of that studying is a real privilege, and that anyone who can access it is fortunate.



The key to a positive attitude in life

Grandmother Luisa, as Luisa Vergara is familiarly called, confesses through her stories that one of the keys to not losing hope and motivation is to have a good attitude in life. Be positive, be aware that behind bad times there is always another better time, and that shame or clichés do not allow us to advance our way. It is clear, through the example of this fighter woman, that “the path is shown by walking” and that ” it is never too late if happiness is good “, something that would be very important for children to learn and keep in mind at all times.


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In these times when the internet or social networks seem to have paralyzed the world of the youngest, absorbing them and distancing them more and more from the fight for dreams and the importance of striving for what one wants , perhaps it would be good if Both parents and teachers take up the idea that there can be few better examples than those that precede us.

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