Don't treat your kids like they're stupid. 4 ways not to.

no trates niño tontos

What a great disappointment it is to hear parents speak of their children as the smartest and most intelligent in the world and at the same time see how they address them as if they were fools. Either talking to them as if they are younger than they are (with sounds and expressions that we use to communicate with babies) or not letting them do anything as if they are useless or incapable of learning.

Nothing more negative for the development of the child than this way of acting with them, and unfortunately too common. Let’s see how we can stimulate the little one so that each day they advance a little more in their learning and feel valued:


  1. Trust your abilities

Your child is a unique person perfectly capable of learning what you explain. Surely in some things it will be easier than in others, but that only means that sometimes we have to have a little more patience. It is amazing to see how the simple fact of trusting a person makes them achieve their goal sooner. It is the magical effect of confidence, which gives us wings to get where we want.

  1. Talk to him like an adult

Please treat your child from you to you. Address him as if he were your equal, because he is. Not because he is shorter is he stupid or deserves less respect. Communicate with him patiently, explain when necessary, and never underestimate his intelligence. In this way you get him to feel older and therefore take responsibility for his actions and have confidence in himself. In addition to speaking like an adult, you will increase your vocabulary without realizing it. When we see a child who has a broad command of language, behind it there is a father or a mother who speaks to him as an adult.

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  1. Rate their achievements

It is not about making you believe that you are the best (which can be negative), but about being aware of your progress and seeing the results of your effort and feeling recognized by them. What better encouragement than our encouragement to keep going?

  1. Let them make mistakes

Just as important as moving forward is knowing how to take another path after a mistake. As parents we have to let our children decide, choose, make mistakes and start over realizing what they have to change in their behavior. Only then do you really learn. Let’s avoid solving their problems, we can help them if they need it but always encouraging them to think for themselves.


If we follow these guidelines on a daily basis, we will be helping our children to mature in a healthy way feeling safe and capable, and not stupid, which is undoubtedly a guarantee that they know how to function in life . Sometimes it is difficult not to see them as defenseless beings but you have to make an effort. Surely it fills you with pride to contemplate how they react to difficulties and unforeseen events, finding alternatives and solutions that, perhaps, had not even occurred to you.

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