Differences between mind map, schema and concept map

Mind maps, schematics, and concept maps are study techniques that help reinforce learning about a particular topic, especially in disciplines such as history or natural science. And, although they are very similar in some respects because they all seek to organize knowledge graphically , they have subtle and important differences that must be managed and known so that we can choose the most suitable type of map for each purpose.

Let’s see what each type of map consists of and what their differences are, explaining each concept in detail.




What is an outline?

The scheme is a technique used to organize some content through texts and linear connectors using arrows, keys, letters and / or numbers . This allows the subject to be studied to be better memorized, which is why it is considered a very practical study technique and has to be learned as well so that students can carry it out successfully. Its main function is to prioritize ideas so that the whole of a lesson is graphically understandable, and this is valid both for the person who has to teach and for the person who must learn and fix concepts.

But where to start? To make an outline it is necessary to first carry out a comprehensive reading and use summary techniques such as underlining or exemplification , in order to highlight the key aspects of the reading. Those important aspects should be highlighted in the outline through very short keywords.

The main ideas tend to go to the left of the page and the secondary ideas tend to move, being usual that they are placed more to the right.

Outlines are useful to summarize content for study, to have a quick visualization of the most important ideas, or to make a better analysis of the content read. They also work very well as a guide for successful presentations and talks.


What is a concept map?

Concept maps have the same functionality as diagrams, but their difference is that the connectors are not linear, but are made in the form of a network using “nodes”, a kind of boxes in which the connecting keyword is located. . The central idea is placed in the middle of the map, from which secondary or subordinate ideas emerge later.

This is a technique that works very well in complex subjects, such as “the animal kingdom”, since following a cascade classification, a hierarchy can be observed that goes from the general to the particular, making the subject simpler.



What is a mental map?

The mind map is a technique in which, unlike the previous two, both words and pictures or images are used . Its construction starts from a main idea that is placed in the center of the map, from where branches start in different directions.

Mind maps are used to discuss topics of interest, that is, to make the study of a specific subject more thorough. This type of technique seeks to explore ideas, as well as touch related or related topics and are rarely explored. Its main intention is, in short, to build new knowledge and not just order what is already written.



Learning study techniques is very useful for students, and that is why it is necessary to know all the tools that exist as well as their most appropriate use. Only by knowing and practicing the techniques a lot will students be able to use them to fix content and to face academic tests with success and without supervision. Let’s not forget that there are many jobs that could not be carried out without the right tools or without knowing how to use them, so why not be clear about this for teaching and learning?

It is a good technique to achieve meaningful learning

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Excellent information, useful and adequate and clear. Thank you very much.

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I would have liked to see an example of each to avoid confusion.

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An example would be perfect ,,,

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I am very grateful for such valuable information but I suggest that you include an example at the end of each concept.

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