It is very common, both at school and at home, to entrust something to the little ones and that they delay in doing it or that, in doing so, they are distracted and very easily lose concentration . In this sense, it is very common for them to end up self-absorbed or hooked on a task other than the one in which their involvement or collaboration had been requested.

Although this happens is absolutely normal, it is important to be able to work on the behavior and awareness of children about the importance of paying attention and thus being able to cope with the responsibilities and tasks that are presented to them. And a good way to do it is the so-called clock technique, aimed at seeking and achieving control of the little ones and the modification of their behavior , when necessary, in an effective and dynamic way and removing shouting, scolding from the whole process and the punishments.





What exactly is the clock technique?


  • Choose the activity to do

This is a technique that should be present in all stages of growth that children have. Start with simple assignments that are basically easy to do , and important to do too. One of them may be to tidy up your room, pick up toys, tidy up the bed, select socks, etc.


  • Delimits activity in time slots

It is then when it becomes necessary to establish an adequate time for the completion of the task, adapted to the complexity of what has been requested. The duty as parents begins by explaining to the little one that he has a certain time to fulfill the mission . At the end of that selected time, the clock must be programmed to sound and the task must be completed there.


  • Print energy, enthusiasm

It is important to transmit energy throughout the technique, as well as strength and vigor to the little ones, in order for them to reach the goal with excitement and enthusiasm (you can try exciting or superhero music!). At this point it is very important that parents and teachers adopt the same attitude in their day-to-day lives, as this reference will be vital for the success of a technique aimed at modifying or improving behavior.


Possible variants of the clock technique

This technique is considered effective in children up to the age of 8, approximately, although it can sometimes work in older boys and girls as well. Consistency and patience may be necessary until the results arrive , but it is an effective technique if applied properly. It is important that you also bear in mind that it does not always have to be an alarm that determines the time, and other possible ideas are:

  • Count in a loud and clear voice to 40 or 50.
  • Use an hourglass .
  • Clap your hands while you count.
  • Adapt technologies to practice , such as the one provided by mobile timers, for example.




Bear in mind that children grow and mature their ideas little by little, and this means that if we try to apply the technique in mature or older children it fails, because they could mistakenly consider it a manipulation or restriction of their freedoms or simply something silly and useless, when it is not. That is why working on these types of techniques as soon as possible will be essential to achieve their success .

If, even so, the practice of the theory of the clock with older boys and girls is necessary and they reply, the attitude to adopt should be to keep silence and let time pass (the look and the presence will be enough to capture the attention ), sending the message so that it is important that it be carried out. This attitude will make you exercise authority and will make children understand that there is a task that must be completed and that doing it is part of their growth.

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