Tomorrow marks the first day of December and begins a month of magic and excitement. I love the Christmas season. And it’s obvious my boys do too.
But to be honest, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of the whole Santa story. At our house, he stuffs the stockings and brings one present, the rest are from Mom & Dad. But my boys want to know why he brings all the presents at a friend’s house. Cousins know Santa’s presents by the special wrap, while at our house, Santa avoids the whole matching paper trap by displaying his gifts sans-coverings.
We set out the cookies (and some veggies for Rudolph), and Santa always leaves a note on Christmas morning. But we’ve already had an occasional, “Sally says Santa’s not real.” Which, for now, I simply answer with, “What do you think?”
I wrote last year about my take on Santa, why I’ve struggled with building him up too much, and how I came to understand why he’s so important (you can read the full post here: Do You Believe in Santa Claus?). That post was one of my first attempts at practicing “The Santa Talk” I’ll inevitably have with my boys someday. I want to remind them of when Santa really appeared in my husband’s childhood home and the magic it brought. The magic they can be a part of too.
More recently, I read a touching post by Martha Brockenbrough on the blog, Cozi. The Truth About Santa includes a beautiful and thoughtful letter the author penned to her daughter when presented with the question, “I NEED TO KNOW, ARE YOU SANTA? TELL ME THE TRUTH.”
So now, I need to know. Well, at least I would love to know, what do you do to celebrate the magic of Christmas and the story of Santa Claus? What do you do to teach a bigger concept of Santa? Have you had to answer the questions about Santa yet, and how have you handled it?
Please share your comments so we can each create a season, and a Santa, our children will treasure.
Top photo: Santa Claus 1895, source.