More than a year has passed since launching my first Ebook, Parenting with Positive Guidance: Tools for Building Discipline from the Inside Out. I’ve been amazed with the response throughout the whole process. I’ve heard from people who have come from abusive childhoods who are looking for another way to raise their children. I’ve heard from people who have come from loving homes who want more support building a loving home of their own. I’ve heard from parents who already believe in the philosophy of positive guidance, but wanted to know what it looks like in action. Bottom line: I’ve heard from good parents who just want to be better. And I’ve been so pleased with the warm way Parenting with Positive Guidance has been received.
Through feedback on my writing and teaching experiences I’ve learned that the tools and perspectives taught aren’t always a part of the parenting script we’ve developed. These are tools that I’ve learned about through my study of child development and my experience as a teacher, consultant, and most importantly as a mom. And I don’t think they should be kept a secret.
I want to share them with you as I did in my Ebook, giving you more examples, more information, and fielding more questions from you. I’ve taught this class in a live format, with a wonderful response, and now I’ve found a way to bring it right to your computer, wherever you are, and whenever it fits into your schedule.
I’d love for you to be a part of it. Please check out the course details here.