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I spent the weekend working on an eBook on Positive Guidance that I hope to have ready to share with you soon!  I’d love to tell you the title, but I’m still a bit stumped on that.  Do I go with practical and descriptive, or catchy and literary?  Roll into that the challenge of summing up so much information with just a few words.  I find it challenging!

So I thought I’d share a similar challenge.  If your everyday life was the subject of a book, how would you sum it up in a title?  I think I’d go with “The Joys of Boys: Why I Fly with Superheros“.  Or maybe, “Hidden Chocolate: One Mom’s Story of Survival“.  Gripping, isn’t it?

So what’s yours?  I’m anxious to hear your literary label!

Top photo by AD-Passion.



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