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Fantastic Photos for Father’s Day Gifts

Father’s Day is upon us!  Don’t worry if you’re a procrastinator like I am, one hour photo was invented with us in mind!  You really can’t go wrong with pictures as gifts.  It’s easy to incorporate children into the project and really let it be from them.  Plus, what dad or grandpa couldn’t use an updated photo for his office, den, or bedroom?

Here are some fun ideas for making Father’s Day photos special:

Just Like Dad

At some point in time, almost every kid wants to be just like Dad.  Capture that in your photo!  Amy Anderson at Simple Kids shared this Look-Alike photo idea.  You could expand on this idea, dressing the kiddos in dad’s work clothes, favorite jerseys, or pose them with some of his favorite things as props  (tools, climbing gear, books, etc.).


Celebrate generations of dads by collecting photos throughout your family history to display in one multi-matted frame (something like this).  Create a visual family tree with a son-dad-grandpa series, using photos of each at a similar age.  Or create a series of pictures similar to the ones found here, featuring the dad you want to honor doing his favorite thing, or in a favorite childhood photo.  Bonus if you can find his dad in a similar shot!  Then find or create another with your own children doing the same thing. 

Fun Frames

Having children decorate picture frames is a great way to give them ownership of the project.  Select an unfinished frame from a craft store, pick out a used frame from a thrift store, or grab that frame that’s been collecting dust in your basement.  You can do a quick base coat with spray paint, or use a craft paint and let your kiddos in on the job. 

Once the frame has a fresh coat, your little ones can decorate!  Set out the chosen supplies and have them place each piece where they’d like.  Once they’re satisfied, move in with a glue gun or craft glue and stick the embellishments down exactly as they were set out by those little fingers. 

I’ve used button collections, as you can see above (if you don’t have your own collection, you can find assortments at a craft store).  This is a great method, especially if you’re working with a group of children, such as a class, creating for a variety of dads.  (An assortment of buttons in several shades of white and cream on black frames are particularly striking with black and white photos.)

If you’re looking for specific ideas with one dad in mind consider what other items you could use.  I loved this idea, using nuts for your handy dad.  You could also use puzzle pieces for  your puzzler, a mod-podged collage of seed packets for the dad with a green thumb, or seashells for the beach bum.  If Dad’s favorite game is missing a few pieces, buy him a new one and use the old pieces on your frame!  Scrabble tiles are particularly great!  Have the children spell out their names, or you can glue on some secret messages and then have the children hide them by filling in the frame with the other tiles.  Get creative!  Fill the frame with one of the projects above or use your favorite photo already waiting in your digital files.

Here’s hoping for a picture-perfect Father’s Day!

Center photo by 1041992.

Top and bottom from personal collection.



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