Category: Blog

3 ideas to develop creativity and art in children

Picasso used to say: “All children are born artists , the problem is how to continue being artists as they grow up” … And, in effect, the routine, the rules and the limits imposed by society and customs kill the most innocent creative spirit . “Don’t get out of line”, “The sun is yellow, why… continue reading

The importance of good habits in childhood

In our society we live surrounded by norms and habits. When we talk about habits, we are referring to a series of guidelines and routines that tend to be applied in childhood to promote a healthy life present and future. And it is that habits are usually related to beneficial and positive practices for ourselves,… continue reading

Alice in Wonderland Quotes

People, mainly due to the fast pace and all the pressure that surrounds us every day, we need to disconnect. But not only that, we need to put our hopes and our dreams on things that we do not know if they will ever happen, but that keep us alive. Dreaming is one of the… continue reading

5 Benefits of putting children to bed with a good story

Reading is traveling, and “getting out of the house for a little while before going to sleep” is highly recommended. Do you want to find out why? They learn to read earlier and better From a very young age, you can start with the routine of night reading. You just have to adapt the books… continue reading

6 advantages of children playing outside

To play outdoors? Of course! According to a recent study, children around the world between the ages of 5 and 12 spend just one hour a day outdoors. Maximum security prisoners go out to the courtyard for two hours. A chilling fact, if we take into account the multiple benefits of being away from home… continue reading

Fight the excesses of modern education

Excess of education? Fight them! Life has become a non-stop , where relaxation is a luxury even for a child. Fulfill the expectations that adults have placed on them; successfully reach the goals to which they are forced; Exiting unharmed from marathon days away from home (sometimes all day, with thousands of imposed and not… continue reading

The 15 principles of María Montessori to raise happy children

The 15 essential principles to educate happy children In teaching there is a before and after for María Montessori. This revolutionary pedagogue changed the educational landscape with her renewed ideas based on freedom of learning and on the responsibility of the student himself in his content acquisition process. It stirred consciences and, inevitably, collided with… continue reading

7 Tips to become an unforgettable teacher

Being a teacher is entering the lives of many children, and maybe you will remain forever in their memory . It is having the opportunity to move something in your soul that inspires you by making you see the world in a different way . Surprise them and you will stay alive Don’t let routine… continue reading

5 tips to protect your skin this summer

On the beach … let’s protect our skin Children’s skin is extremely delicate and although it must be cared for all year round, in summer perhaps more caution is necessary, since prolonged contact with water, the direct action of the sun’s rays and the interaction of sweat are unavoidable. with creams, in addition to diet… continue reading

9 Stories to work on emotions with children

Reading is a beautiful way to grow and to promote language development . When we read we put ourselves in the place of others learning without realizing it to be empathetic . Teaching our children to lose themselves in the world of books is undoubtedly a valuable gift that will positively condition their lives. In… continue reading