Category: Blog

Road Education

Knowing the rules of the road is much more than learning to drive, as many adults think. Road safety education is of vital importance so that everyone, including the youngest, can be protected against incidents and dangers. For this reason, schools begin to develop dynamics to teach from a young age how they should behave… continue reading

Rules of behavior at school

In order for a child to be able to integrate into society and coexist without problems in adulthood, basic rules of behavior must be instilled in them. If limits were not taught from infancy and what kind of guidelines should be followed to facilitate normal coexistence, children would grow up with the idea that everything… continue reading

Encourage reading in children

Spain is one of the countries in the world where people read the least, which is a social problem of some importance, especially in the rates of school failure and drop-out. That is why education systems try to implement plans to promote reading for children and adults through programs and incentives. Reading is essential to… continue reading

Stages of development in children

Having knowledge about the development of children from birth is important, as it allows parents to know if this is carried out in their children in the appropriate way or, if not, measures must be taken to solve it. In this article we will briefly see the main stages of child development , mainly at… continue reading

EMOTIONAL development in children

What is emotional development? Emotional development is a set of behaviors that are acquired as a person grows and interacts with their environment. The stages of emotional development are not always easy to identify, since it is not known when it comes to an end and becomes complete. What is known is that it is… continue reading

DISCALCULIA: How is it detected?

Dyscalculia can be summed up as difficulty learning and performing arithmetic. It consists of a set of problems similar to those of dyslexia, but instead of affecting words, it is with numbers that they have difficulties. In fact, it is considered a type of dyslexia. Neither type of dyscalculia is related to IQ. In fact,… continue reading

Stimulation in children

When we talk about concepts such as early or cognitive stimulation in children, we are referring to much more than a set of nonsensical activities and movements. For the stimulation to be adequate it is important to have a knowledge of the brain structure , since it is in the brain where the foundations for… continue reading

Bullying: the great school problem of the 21st century

Bullying affects the life of everyone who suffers it, even that of the person who exercises it. It is one of the most serious problems in our society, and it seems that every day it is more widespread. What are we talking about? We refer to bullying , better known today as bullying, one of… continue reading

Nursery rhymes in children's learning

From the moment we go out into the world, we begin to learn. And it is in the early years that our brain has a broader potential for learning, so taking advantage of it is vital. Everything that the brain of a child up to 6 or 7 years of age manages to learn will… continue reading

How to promote equality in school

Equality at school It is important to reflect on the model of society that we have, and if this is what we should have and want. Although schools have long been working around the teaching of fundamental values, also included in the list of Millennium Goals established by the United Nations , many parents and… continue reading