Category: Blog

Evolución moral y cognitiva del niño según Piaget

La moral no es algo que surja de manera espontánea, sino que se va desarrollando a medida que vamos interactuando con los otros y el entorno. Y este es un tema que ha despertado el interés de grandes científicos y filósofos de todos los tiempos, entre los que se encuentra Jean Piaget.     En… continue reading

Competencias educativas imprescindibles en este siglo

El siglo XXI requiere de personas con nuevas habilidades dispuestas a afrontar el cambio mucho más rápido de lo que lo hicieron nuestros antepasados. Los canales de comunicación que hemos desarrollado han permitido acelerar los procesos de cambio, y esto requiere de personas preparadas para hacerlo. Pero, ¿cuáles son esas competencias imprescindibles que necesitamos desarrollar… continue reading

Cómo ayudar a los niños a aprender a socializar

Ayudar a los niños a socializar es una tarea lenta que los padres deben comenzar desde muy temprana edad. Independientemente de cuál sea la decisión sobre la planificación familiar, si quieres uno, dos o tres hijos, la socialización con sus iguales es indispensable. Ten en cuenta que todos los niños son de temperamentos distintos, de… continue reading

Study Techniques and Methods for Children

How can I prevent my child from getting bad grades? One of the main problems children have when it comes to learning is that report cards often do not reflect the effort they show . This is why they often end up frustrated and don’t want to study. Is there a way to get children… continue reading

Montessori teaching method, what does it consist of

The Montessori method The Montessori teaching method owes its name to the well-known Italian doctor María Montessori, a pioneer in the field of education who was the first woman in her country to achieve a medical degree. The method is over 100 years old, but it is still one of the most effective teaching modes… continue reading

Recipe for making homemade plasticine

Benefits of play dough in learning Plasticine is a material that brings great benefits to children’s learning processes. According to experts, being able to shape and create things that come out of their mind greatly improves the training processes and helps them approach the material freely. The ideal is to use homemade plasticine , especially… continue reading

What are the main CAUSES of SCHOOL FAILURE?

One of the most important problems in education is school failure , which in our country comprises a very high percentage of the student population. The consequences of this affect us in the medium and long term for several reasons, and therefore it is vital that we know what the most common causes are and… continue reading

Relaxation techniques for children

Relaxation for children is often made difficult by certain factors, especially because the child is very shy and cannot stop laughing nervously, or is in constant tension. However, it is important to persist with the practice of the appropriate exercises and make them see that it is a process that must continue over time. Explaining… continue reading

Exercises to improve MEMORY in children

From the moment we are born, we all have the ability to learn through our experiences with the environment that surrounds us. Children learn new things every day, although there are those who need activities to stimulate memory in children , especially in certain cases where they have problems remembering things. In this article we… continue reading

Social skills in children

For a child’s development to be complete, it is important that they be able to develop their social skills . Their ability to get involved in projects and be an active part of society when they are adults or even earlier will depend, to a large extent, on this. Therefore, in this article we want… continue reading