Category: Blog

How do our children think?

As adults we tend to analyze everything and observe it from our own point of view, but this, logically, tends to conflict and contradict the way our children see the world. We tend to reproach the smallest behaviors because, from our knowledge, they are outlandish, absurd or inappropriate. However, this way of discerning is not… continue reading

Why are children afraid?

Children, when they are in preschool age, often have attacks of fear. The reasons why children become afraid can be very different and varied, depending on various factors. Sometimes adults do not think that their words or actions can have an influence on the child and, in some cases, the fear of the reaction that… continue reading

What to do if a child has nightmares

Surely each of us, at least once in our lives, have woken up at night scared and screaming due to a nightmare. Many parents fear the “spectacle” that their children suffer at night and go immediately to a psychologist or neurologist to try to solve nighttime tantrums. But the reality is that night terrors in… continue reading

How to raise a child to like to read?

Gone are the days when the book was the only entertainment in the home. But such changes are not necessarily for the worse: after all, variety is always better than absence itself. However, a child accustomed from childhood to receiving information “visually” from the TV, tablet or mobile screen, will find it very difficult to… continue reading

Calligraphy exercises and tools for kids

Today we bring you a very simple resource , but no less efficient and valuable for that. This is a tool with which you can create different calligraphy exercises for your children to practice non-stop until they can write legibly and correct small vices (such as twisting, not respecting the margins, etc.) that would be… continue reading

What values do we want to contribute as parents?

The answer seems simple, all those who help them and those around them to be happy, values that make them overcome all the barriers they will have. Ultimately, as parents, we want our sons and daughters to learn from us what works, what has helped us throughout our lives to achieve our goals. What are… continue reading

Teach decision-making

Making decisions is not something that begins to be done at a certain age, many times it is thought that this is an act related to adolescence, the truth is that since our children are small they are continuously making decisions. When do they start to occur? When our children are young, we are the… continue reading

Recommendations to help them study

Help our children study Student life is not easy, although it may seem like it. It is a long road full of troubles in which only effort and determination fit. Some children find it much harder to study than others , but what they all agree on is that we, as parents, need support in… continue reading

Language disorders: dysphasia

Sometimes language disorders are difficult to define and diagnose, since they lack specific symptoms. So what can we do to determine whether or not a child has a specific language disorder ? Well, although it sounds not very reassuring, in certain cases the only way to know it is by the exclusion that we make… continue reading

Phrases that do not work to teach our children

How many times have you come across the role of having to teach, what strategies have we used then? When do these strategies work? Have they ever stopped working? How have you managed to adapt to other more useful strategies? Communication strategies that do not work to achieve our GOALS as mothers and fathers 1…. continue reading