Category: Blog

The importance of sayings

The word refrain derives from the French language and specifically from the word refrain , and its meaning comes to say that we are talking about a kind of short sentences . In reality, sayings are as old as proverbs, only that over time, around the Modern Age, they would acquire a new nuance related… continue reading

The importance of teachers in education

Children spend almost 7 hours a day in school, in some cases even more. It would be obvious to think that teachers are key pieces in the formation of our children . But then why for some time this part is questioned and even taken away from them authority? Overprotection towards the minor has a… continue reading

6 benefits of eating with your hands

Good manners have put aside a natural and necessary practice for a child: eating with your hands . If your baby is six months old and can stay seated, try putting small amounts of food in front of him so that he can touch and taste them. You will get him to try new foods… continue reading

4 tips to avoid making your children feel guilty

Guilt, that terrible burden that we carry since childhood To move forward it is not convenient to carry weight and to grow as a person, in addition, it is necessary to release ballast. In the society we live in, it is easy for us to unintentionally have burdens that hold us back , that is… continue reading

5 fun ideas for children to learn to count

Counting is one of the most useful skills that the child will learn in his life, it will help him in practically every moment of the day and he will understand concepts as much or little, he will know if he needs more or less and also how much is enough. All of them essential… continue reading

3 techniques to carry out cooperative learning in elementary school

In the early 1990s a Johnson & Johnson study of different types of learning found that cooperative learning provided more benefits to the learner. The other types of learning are competitive learning, in which students compete with each other to achieve a result eliminating those who do not achieve it, since only the best one… continue reading

Origin of the School Day of Non-violence and Peace

On January 30, the School Day of Non-violence and Peace (DENIP ) is celebrated thanks to the Spanish teacher Llorenç Vidal , who through an unprecedented, non-governmental and completely independent initiative, manages to establish this date with a wonderful objective : make school on this day an instrument of peace and communication between people regardless… continue reading

Strategies to improve children's reading

Having the ability to read means being sensitive to the beauty of words and their delicate nuances, and for this reason, among many other things, it is so important to learn to read, and not only do it but do it well . A student knows how to read when he makes a fusion of… continue reading

Helicopter parents and 6 negative effects on the child

Parents are a reference, having them close is fortunate and enjoying their advice and unconditional affection is the best thing that can happen to a child … Unless this father or mother is not around, but flies over him preventing his movements and nullifying his initiative, like a helicopter. Taking care of and being aware… continue reading

7 reasons why kids should play an instrument

The satisfaction of teaching something new to a person is immense. And if that person is your son and we talk about opening his eyes to music , neither more nor less, I’m afraid there are no words to describe the emotion that it can produce in us. Music as well as reading are two… continue reading