Babbyone Blog

We’ve picked few topics we’re pretty sure you’ll ❤ to read about. Check back often and enjoy.

Stop the Presses!

I picked up a great deal while visiting my parents a while back.  Their local newspaper sells the remnant rolls of newsprint, in a variety of sizes, for next to nothing.  I think I spent $3 on a roll that just happened to be the perfect length for my easel, with enough paper on it to last… continue reading

Playing Around with Playdough

Classic Playdough is a staple of childhood! Not only is it fun and creative, but working that dough builds fine motor strength and control. These skills are just as critical to developing young writers  as is learning the ABCs.  Pushing objects into playdough creates a new type of sculpture and also presents a new challenge to… continue reading

Push Down and Play Time

As I began writing this post, it became apparent that I was writing a sermon in two parts.  (Brevity has never really been my strong suit.)  Don’t worry, you don’t need to change into your Sunday best, your pajamas are just fine (you know who you are).  Just get comfortable, I’ve got a lot on… continue reading

Welcome Weeks

The beginning of school is so exciting!  I remember many nights before the first few days of school, laying out my clothes for the next day and then laying in bed for hours, unable to sleep because I was just so excited.  I watched my own son do the same thing.  I just kept smiling… continue reading

Willoughby Wallaby Woo

I’m sure you can find other versions of this song, but does anyone really do it better than Raffi?  Willoughby Wallaby Woo, is a great song for practicing new names in a class.  As an added benefit, it is also great for getting kiddos to laugh!  As you can hear in this YouTube clip, it’s… continue reading

Book Activity: Pigsty by Mark Teague

At the beginning of each year, I really like to read Pigsty by Mark Teague with my new little ones.  It is a funny, and fantastically illustrated story of Wendell Fultz who decides he does not want to clean his room.  His mother tells him it’s his choice if he wants to live in a pigsty. … continue reading

Clean It Up!

While we’re on the topic of clean up time, I thought I’d mention that I use Laurie Berkner’s song, “Clean It Up” as my clean up music.  (You can find it at iTunes for just a dollar.  Though if you can get out of iTunes having only spent one dollar, my hat’s off to you!) … continue reading

Give Me Five! Getting Your Preschoolers’ Attention

It is a common misconception that preschool children know what it means when you ask them to “listen”.  Grown ups constantly ask them to “listen” or “pay attention”, but a young child can’t comply with those requests until you explain what that will actually look like.   I teach my little ones the “Give Me Five” signal.  When… continue reading

Give Me Five! Getting Your Preschoolers’ Attention

It is a common misconception that preschool children know what it means when you ask them to “listen”.  Grown ups constantly ask them to “listen” or “pay attention”, but a young child can’t comply with those requests until you explain what that will actually look like.   I teach my little ones the “Give Me Five” signal.  When… continue reading

Teaching Social Skills: “Can I Play”

I am a firm believer that social skills should be taught directly, and then implemented and brought into habit through play and experience.  During the very first weeks, I introduce the tools for entering play and taking turns.  These are key areas of social conflict when you get a group of new preschoolers together! I like… continue reading