Babbyone Blog

We’ve picked few topics we’re pretty sure you’ll ❤ to read about. Check back often and enjoy.

Guest Post: Simple Activities for Excited Kids

You can find me over at Simple Kids, writing about a few activities that will keep those excited hands busy as the excitement of the seasons build!  Here’s a little taste: As Christmas gets closer, the rising level of excitement becomes almost palpable in our house.  That means I need to plan a few activities to give all… continue reading

Top Posts from 2011

Welcome Back!  I hope you all enjoyed a nice break during the holidays.  I know I certainly did.  Taking a break to focus on my family was well-appreciated, though I’ve begun to crave this outlet for processing my thoughts and getting them down into print.  And I’ve missed hearing your thoughts as well. As a new… continue reading

Resolve: Get Organized

Maybe it’s the new year.  Maybe it’s the unseasonably warm January temps.  Or maybe it’s early nesting as we await the arrival of baby number 4 later this year.  Whatever the reason, lately I’ve been consumed with the desire to clean, organize, declutter, and simplify.  I’ve spent the past few weeks setting up stations, systems, and solutions for the… continue reading

The Secret to Potty Training…..

Whenever I start to feel guilty about the fact that I spent the majority of my Christmas vacation wearing my pajamas, I remind myself that I did in fact accomplish something very monumental, right there in my worn-out flannel bottoms and time-softened jersey shirt.  Well, rather, I should say my son accomplished something very monumental. … continue reading

Happy Birthday Celebration Peter: 50 Years of The Snowy Day

In the steamy warm of the summer season of 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. supplied the currently popular ” I Have a Dream” speech. He mentioned his dream for a future where kids of all races might stroll with each other as well as ” not be evaluated by the shade of their skin but… continue reading

Checking Out Preschools? Here are a Few Things to Look For…

It’s that time of year again.  Parents everywhere are standing behind one-way windows or sitting on child-sized chairs, trying to peek in on preschool classrooms and hoping to ascertain whether or not it’s the right fit for their children. I often have people ask me what they should be looking for.  My first answer: You have… continue reading

Is that Fair?

“We treat everybody the same.” It was an innocuous comment really.  Assuredly said with the best of intentions. So why did it get under my skin? Let me make a few things clear before I begin to blur the common definition of fairness.  I do think children need consistency and that they do rise to… continue reading

Weekend Reads 1.21.12

Articles: Pondering Praise Hip Hip Hooray for Valentine’s Day! Have a great weekend!

Pondering Praise

Because I follow the brilliant Janet Lansbury on Facebook, I have come across several interesting posts about praise recently.  In one of those, Lisa Sunbury of Regarding Baby shared her thoughts in  Praise Not , a read I would recommend.  All this reading got me thinking about praise. It can be a tricky subject, the… continue reading

Hip Hip Hooray for Valentine’s Day!

I find it interesting, given the interesting discussion on praise that we just had, that Valentine’s Day is creeping around the corner.  It may seem unrelated to some, but in my mind if there is one thing that is an even more powerful reinforcer for children than praise it is love.  Pure, unconditional love.  That can be… continue reading