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Author: babbyo

Motivating Student Authors: Harnessing the Power of Comments

<!– –> Audience As Motivation When I signed up for Kidblog just over a year ago, I asked myself a seemingly simple question. “Which topics would motivate a fourth grader to write for fun?” I came up with the usual things: Minecraft, sports, TV shows, movies. And yes, these topics did motivate some students to start… continue reading

Take this one-question survey to prepare your Kidblog class for summer:

<!– –>   Whether you want to stay connected to students this summer, or disconnect from your classroom entirely, we have a custom to-do list to help get you there. Use your answer to the one-question survey above to find your Kidblog checklist below. I answered…   [A]  I try to stay connected with my students… continue reading

The Power of One

Those of us who teach teenagers face a daunting and seemingly never-ending challenge: Getting our students to look up from their phones, their social media, and their video games to see the wide world beyond their bubble. Unlike any generation before, today’s kids have a digital world that can cocoon them 24/7. They take comfort… continue reading

Infopacket: Rocks and also Minerals

Notifications about class publishing activity

<!– –> In addition to email notifications, students and teachers are now able to receive notifications directly from their Kidblog dashboard. When post and/or comment notifications are enabled, students will be informed when classmates publish posts, as well as when others leave comments on their published posts. Teachers will receive notifications on new posts published to… continue reading

Infographic: Essential Vitamins

Kidblog: Designed for schools and districts

<!– –> Setting the stage “Students here is your digital device, and here are your logins and passwords. Be careful.” “Teachers, you may choose from hundreds of online tools to incorporate in the classroom. Choose wisely.” With more agency for teachers and students than ever before, how are administrators guiding their schools through the technology revolution? It… continue reading

Infographic: Makeup of the Human Heart

Kidblog’s complete guide to ISTE19

<!– –>   Many Kidblog teachers are getting excited to attend (or present at) the ISTE19 conference hosted in Philadelphia. The ISTE conference is a place where learning and teaching transformations occur. The brightest minds in edtech come together to make connections and continue to network all year long. The entire ISTE schedule includes over 1,000… continue reading

Infographic: Basic Machines