Author: babbyo

The important role of heroes in childhood

Heroes are characters that literature has housed for centuries. And they are capable of reaching the depths of the heart of those who know them, especially children. It is children too, and it may not be something casual, those who do not know the barriers to travel to dreams, something that is much more complicated… continue reading

Learn about the Singapore method for teaching mathematics

The Singapore Method (named after the country it comes from) applied to the teaching of mathematics , has facilitated the process of learning this subject in that country to such an extent that today it is already a method that is also applied in other countries, such as the United States, England, Holland, Brazil or… continue reading

How to continue learning at home: ideas, websites and APPS

Now that we need to stay at home, teachers, parents and children are acquiring new habits and skills focused on being able to continue teaching and / or learning with children at home , so it is necessary to use technology to help us and to be able to teach in educational, fun and productive… continue reading

Why we should not force children's learning

Different neuroscientific experts, such as Francisco Mora (doctor of medicine and neuroscience), affirm that the brain is structured in different areas and not all children have the same type of brain development , which should not be seen as something negative, since the The consequence is simply a different rate of learning. In fact, there… continue reading

Ideas and resources for online learning

Faced with the closure of classrooms that COVID-19 has caused in practically the whole world, teachers, students and parents alike have had to step up and face a type of teaching that was yet to come and improve: teaching and learning online . Thanks to technology it has been possible for classes to continue (although… continue reading

Ideas and tricks to encourage good behavior in children

Many times children do not behave as we expect, and it is normal for that to happen from time to time, but when that behavior becomes completely inappropriate or out of place, either at home or in class, it is time to apply certain strategies that can help you deal with the situation without losing… continue reading

Guidelines to improve children's emotional development

Most educators agree that children’s emotional well-being contributes greatly to their social and intellectual development . However, we adults often end up denying or nullifying children’s feelings by saying things like: “You shouldn’t feel like this!” or “You’ll be fine. Forget it ”or“ It was nothing, don’t cry ”. Denying children’s strongest and most complex… continue reading

Helping Children Cope With Loss

The death of a parent, family member, friend, or even a pet can be devastating for a child. But not only that, because there are other types of situations that can generate similar, traumatic sensations , such as the separation of parents, a divorce, a change of residence, an illness or an accident of any… continue reading

How to work diversity with the little ones

Children’s identity and self-respect are very directly related to the way they are treated by others. Therefore, both home parents and educators must always promote a safe and humane environment in which inclusion , fairness, and appreciation of individual differences are evident. For example, when an adult is respectful of others, regardless of their gender,… continue reading

Benefits of learning English and other languages for children

Learning English and other languages in childhood is highly beneficial because of the plasticity that the brain has during childhood and that it will never have again. This plasticity allows the brain to absorb new knowledge in a simple way. As adults we can also do it, but never with the same ease as in… continue reading