Babbyone Blog

We’ve picked few topics we’re pretty sure you’ll ❤ to read about. Check back often and enjoy.

A Few New Takes on an Old Favorite: Shaving Cream Painting

Whoever coined the phrase “less is more” certainly wasn’t under the age of six.  Young children love piling it all on, especially when doing art.  It’s more about the experience than the exhibit, and that’s the way it should be.  But if you’ve ever done shaving cream painting with young children, you’ve seen them sculpt huge… continue reading

Finland’s Finest: Why We Need to Take Note of Finland’s Approach to Early Education

In recent years, Finland has been consistently at the top of worldwide rankings by nation for 15 year-old academic performance.  They’re obviously doing something right.  And in my biased informed opinion, if we want to know why their 15 year-olds are so bright, we need to look not only at what they’re doing in high school, but also… continue reading

Bibliomaniacs Beware!

I feel I need to confess my addiction.  I am a bibliomaniac.  In spite of the fact that I have a library card, which gives me access to plenty of wonderful books, and which I enjoy using regularly, I still find the need to OWN them.  I just love books!  It doesn’t help that my… continue reading

Thematic Unit: On the Move with Transportation

While this time of year is a great opportunity for studying a Food Unit (or jumping right into Winter Weather if you’re getting the kind of storms we’ve been having) it’s also an ideal time to explore transportation.  With the holidays coming, many children will either be travelling themselves, or waiting for family members to… continue reading

Guest Post: Teaching the Art of Sharing

I’m so happy to be writing as a guest at Simple Kids again today!  Slide on over and check it out!  I’m also happy to be *this close* to finishing up with my ebook on  Parenting with Positive Guidance.  Make sure you’re subscribed to this blog so you won’t miss out on early purchasing discounts! All kids love sharing….as… continue reading

DAP: What Does it Mean to Use Developmentally Appropriate Practice?

It’s occurred to me that I’ve used the term DAP a lot around here lately, and that it’s a term that warrants a full discussion in itself.   This is a term you can take an entire series of courses on, but here’s my best attempt to get you the basics — quick and dirty!  I’m… continue reading

Age Does Matter: Your Questions Answered by Dr. Marcy Guddemi

On the first of this month, I wrote a post about The Gesell Institute of Human Development and their recent study, asserting that the progression of healthy child development has not changed over the past 70 years, in spite of the fact that our expectations of them have.  (You can read the full post here.)… continue reading

Travel Mix: Math You Can Eat!

 Who doesn’t enjoy a good snack to take on the road?  Here’s a snack activity that fits well in the transportation unit, that not only fills rumbling bellies, but also reinforces math concepts! First assemble your travel mix snack ingredients.  There are so many ways to go with this!  I usually look for a cereal, salty,… continue reading

Take a Trip: A Song, A Graph, and Safety Talk

If you’re exploring a transportation theme, here’s a fun little ditty about transportation I found years ago.  (I didn’t write down where I found it, so if you know the original author let me know!)  It’s a fun piggy-back song, to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle: Take a bus or take a train, Take a boat or… continue reading

It’s Turkey Time!

With Thanksgiving right around the bend, it might be a fun time for a little turkey craft at the kiddie table.  That’s right, I used the word craft.  Remember, there’s a Spectrum of Preschool Arts and Crafts.  There are times when a craft may better fill your objectives, but as I mentioned in last year’s Turkey… continue reading