Babbyone Blog

We’ve picked few topics we’re pretty sure you’ll ❤ to read about. Check back often and enjoy.

What’s in the Number Bag?

I’m trying something new this year, in an attempt to combine a little bit of a show-and-tell opportunity and a numeracy activity.  I’m calling my experiment “The Number Bag”.  You might want to try it out too, and let me know how it works for you! My magical, mystical number bag is simply a cloth… continue reading

No More Lost Notes!

There is a reason why the US Postal Service does not employ pre-schoolers.  And yet, we teachers keep trying to use their services as a reliable way to transfer papers between home and school.  We rummage through the 12 pockets in their backpacks, trying to find the book order they thought they brought, and we… continue reading

Terrific Transitions at Preschool Arrival and Departure

Arrival and departure are two inevitable parts of the preschool day.  The preschoolers will come, and eventually, they will leave.  Just because these are absolutes, doesn’t mean they don’t require some planning.  The children’s arrival will set the tone for their entire day, and their departure will indelibly shade the way they remember their day.  Take some… continue reading

Meeting with the Taller Half

Before you begin a new school year, it’s always a good idea to invite the taller half of your class, the parents, for a little orientation.  This gets them on board with you as co-educators of their children, and can clarify a lot of issues that could otherwise cause problems later on.  Start now to… continue reading

Art in the Preschool Classroom: Finding Reality and Fantasy

One of the classes I’ve been taking this summer is “The Arts in Every Classroom” (you can view the same class here).  The arts seem easily incorporated into preschool, as the children are very naturally using music, movement, and visual art as a means of expressing themselves, almost constantly!  This class gave me a few new… continue reading

Welcome, Children! Get Your Children Ready by Following the 5 I’s.

Making a strong, positive connection with each child is a fundamental part of preparing for a great new year.  When children know first that they are loved by you, it is much easier for them to learn from you!  Building that kind of relationship takes time, but a positive first meeting is a huge  step… continue reading

Welcome, Children! Get Your Children Ready by Following the 5 I’s.

Making a strong, positive connection with each child is a fundamental part of preparing for a great new year.  When children know first that they are loved by you, it is much easier for them to learn from you!  Building that kind of relationship takes time, but a positive first meeting is a huge  step… continue reading

Ah-Ah-Ah-Choo! Teaching Preschoolers How NOT to Share

As teachers of young children, we’ve all been there.  Dodging sneezy spit particles, heading straight for us at 100 miles per hour.  Or stealthily intercepting a cracker before it goes from being coughed on to being shared with a best friend.  We will stay healthier, and the children we teach will stay healthier if we start… continue reading

Make Your Own Rhythm Sticks

Rhythm sticks are a must-have for a preschool program!  As long as you have enough dexterity to get your two hands to come together in the same general area (a fantastic feat for very young ones) you can play this instrument!  Use them as part of a percussion band, or for specific rhythm stick activities.  They magically… continue reading

Pouring Preschoolers

Here’s a little secret:  Preschoolers can pour their own drinks.  It’s true!  The children gain so much independence and self-confidence by learning this self-help skill.  Autonomy is something children crave at this age, and this is certainly an activity they can do on their own when appropriate parameters are set.  First of all, I use a… continue reading